Comondu | Bay of San Juanico

San Juanico baja mexico

Bay of San Juanico

Bay of San Juanico is beautiful bay, also known as Scorpion Bay, is located 202 kilometers north of Constitución City. It is the favorite place of surfers who look for big waves and surf some of the biggest waves in the world that the Pacific Ocean offers them during summer and winter. The waves are caused by the northeast winds during summer and winter, which produces gigantic waves that run parallel to the shoreline, the stoned seabed making them bigger. Here the 5 tip surf can be practiced. Besides sport and diving fishing, visitors can sample ancient cane fishing and free diving from the rock precipices.

surfing baja comondu

You can travel along Transpeninsular Indurgentes-La Purisíma City highway and arrive at its extensive gray cliffs, clean and crystalline waters and white sand beach areas, where you will be able to enjoy swimming and hiking or horseback riding along the beach, you´ll also able to appreciate the diversity of shells and starfish. Visitors can take boat excursions to reach the bay on board of “Ballena Gris” boat.

Bay of San Juanico has several excellent seafood restaurants where you will be able to sample delicious dishes made of the typical seafood of the area, such as lobster and abalone and all types of Mexican and American food. Popular restaurants for tourists are the “Scorpion Bay and Gloría's Paseos.

In the bay, there are not any hotels, but if you like you can camp or rent a space in a trailer park that has gas station and small self-service stores, besides an ecologically friendly windmill station and hybrid energy plants which supply power to the whole community.

RV park baja comondu

“El Aguaje” is located 3 Km. to the northwest of San Juanico, a small and beautiful oasis and very close to La Punta de Santo Domingo there is a place where you can see the great sea lion, a shelter for seals, gulls, fish and mollusks of great beauty.

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