Comondu History

mexico comondu

This whole south California region was occupied by two ethnic groups: The Cochimís and The Guaycuras The first group were located in the north area of the municipality while the second faction settled in the bordering San Luis Gonzaga – Magdalena and along the coast of the Gulf of California, from Loreto to La Paz. These natives didn’t cultivate and they lacked knowledge if we compare them to natives of other territories in Mexico. Therefore, their daily activities consisted of; fishing, hunting and gathering fruits and seeds. Just some archaeological sites, paintings and petroglyphs remain from these cultures.

First contact with the colonists and the natives was in 1685. However, the colonization plan began in 1697 and it is considered that the Jesuits Juan Ugarte, Nicolás Tamaral, Julián de Mayorga Francisco, Javier Wagner, Lamberto Hostell and Juan Jacobo Baegert were the ones who began the agricultural cultivation in what today is the Comondu municipality, they were the first ones that crossed the barren lands to establish small thriving communities.

The Jesuits were also in this region up to 1810, the year when they were granted there leaving. Then a series of uprisings, invasions and dictatorships began until the Mexican revolution of 1910.

Comondu municipality was recognized as municipality seat of San José de Comondu and San Miguel de Comondu communities after promulgating the Constitution in 1917.

The establishment of three municipalities including Comondu, whose municipality seat would be Constitucion City, after many years of suppressing the constitutional bases and of restoring reformations finally took place in 1972, settling the first “comundeño” city council bylaws and general local constitution of residents.

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