Comondu | Adolfo Lopez Mateos Port

Adolfo Lopez Mateos Port comondu

Adolfo Lopez Mateos Port is located in the north part of Magdalena Bay, 63Km to the west of Constitucion city, this port as well as San Carlos is the favorite breeding grounds of the gray whale where they carry out their reproductive cycle yearly. The boat crews will take you as close as possible to these gigantic and friendly cetaceans to snap photos of the whales and witness their impressive water displays.

whale watching mexico

It has a quaint but pleasant tourist infrastructure such as: hotels, restaurants and boat operators located next to the white sands of Magdalena Island. At the same time of year as the whales, it is the habitat of thousands of migratory and resident birds that you will be able to watch and to photograph in their natural environment, surrounded of mangroves. Many students develop their studies of the environment and the biodiversity in this area, or to practice kayaking, canoeing and diving, besides the sport fishing and the swimming.

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