Comondu Fauna

San Isidro lagoon comondu

The Comondu municipality has two protected ecological areas; the first of them is located in the San Isidro lagoon, with an extension of 2,750 square kilometers. It is considered the natural refuge of the fishing eagle and of other migratory birds such as ducks and black brant geese.

black brant goose Comondu

Secondly, we have Magdalena Bay, San Carlos and Adolfo López Mateos ports with an extension of 5,625 square kilometers that are also refuge to migratory aquatic birds, but the main interest is that this place is the chosen by the gray whale during mating season and to reproduce every year, a time in which thousands of tourists go to observe and witness this beautiful natural event.

gray whale comondu

Species like: chacuacas, quails, rabbits, hares and coyotes prevail in the deserted plains. In more abundant vegetation regions, we can find raccoons, foxes, and wild cats. In the high part of Sierra de la Giganta; deer’s, wild lambs and pumas are regular sightings.

puma comondu

They were abundant in this region but the merciless hunt of these beautiful animals depredated many of them. At present, a program for the preservation and protection of these species has been carried out.

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